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Discover What You Really Want In All 12 Dimensions Of Your Life & Get It.

Next Class Start Date:

March 2023. Contact me to get on the waitlist.

Hey there,

I’m Dani - Lifebook Ambassador, certified Lifebook Leader, retreat designer and facilitator, writer, and creator of empowering and inspiring experiences

dedicated to helping you discover who you truly are and what you really want in life. So let me ask:

If you could design your ideal life - what would it look like? What would you do every day? How would your body look and feel? Where would you live and travel? Who would you love and how?

And the real question is: Are you living this ideal life right NOW? Are you who you truly want to be? Or are you struggling with finding direction, chasing goals that don’t belong to you?

The truth is - no matter how your life looks right now - you have the absolute power to turn it into a real masterpiece. You just need to get clear on what your masterpiece looks like. You just need a clear vision for your life.

So if you hear a quiet voice within, telling you that you can do more, be more, live more - read on below to learn how you can take charge of your own happiness and turn your life into a living masterpiece with Lifebook.

dedicated to helping you discover who you truly are and what you really want in life. So we want to ask you:

If you could design your ideal life - what would it look like? What would you do every day? How would your body look and feel? Where would you live and travel? Who would you love and how?

And the real question is: Are you living this ideal life right NOW? Are you who you truly want to be? Or are you struggling with finding direction, chasing goals that don’t belong to you?

The truth is - no matter how your life looks right now - you have the absolute power to turn it into a real masterpiece. You just need to get clear on what your masterpiece looks like. You just need a clear vision for your life.

So if you hear a quiet voice within, telling you that you can do more, be more, live more - read on below to learn how you can take charge of your own happiness and turn your life into a living masterpiece with Lifebook.

Turn Your Life Into A Living Masterpiece

Lifebook is a transformational lifestyle design system that empowers you to ENVISION, PLAN, and ACHIEVE your very best life (on your own terms).

Through an intuitive step-by-step process, you’ll discover who you really are and what you want in all 12 dimensions of your life - and design a personal action plan to make it happen.

Lifebook gives you the clarity, tools, and momentum you need to stop settling and dimming your light and to instead get into the driver’s seat of your life and turn it into a living masterpiece.

Get Started

The Most Important Book You’ll Ever Own

By the end of the Lifebook process you’ll own a 100-page book about you - created by you - that contains a crystal clear vision for the person you want to become and the life you want to live (beyond the cookie cutter goals imposed on you by society).

Every dream, every desire, every goal - everything that you really want to be or do - captured on the pages of your personal blueprint for life. Your Lifebook.

Your completed Lifebook will quickly become the most important book on your shelf. You’ll use it regularly to guide your actions and decisions as you work towards creating your dream life of authenticity, fulfillment, and perpetual growth.

Get Started

Achieve Your Vision Of Success In
All 12 Dimensions Of Your Life

Most people only focus on improving their career, wealth, health, and relationships - but in reality there are many more areas of life that shape your success, happiness and true fulfilment.

Lifebook takes you on an eye-opening deep dive into all 12 dimensions of your life, and empowers you to thrive in each of them: without sacrificing or compromising one area for another.

Health & Fitness
Love Relationship
Quality of Life
Life Vision

How Lifebook Transforms Your Life

You Get Clarity On Your Life Vision

You’ll create a beautiful, crystal-clear vision for your best life that inspires and propels you forward. You’ll get deeply in touch with who you are and discover exactly what you want in all 12 areas of your life. This will give you a clear decision-making framework for pursuing your most important goals - without wasting time on unnecessary distractions.

You Achieve Success In All 12 Areas Of Life

You’ll build a well balanced life where every dimension that’s important to you grows in harmony with the others. You’ll create a perfect work-life balance without feeling like you have to sacrifice, compromise or neglect any area of your life in order to achieve success in another. You’ll finally discover that it’s possible to have it all.

You Reclaim Control Over Your Life

You’ll experience a profound paradigm shift when you realise that your life is yours and that you are in full control of how it unfolds. You’ll stop living on autopilot and step into the driver's seat of your life. You’ll become your own guru and develop an inner strength and respectful disregard for other people’s ideas of success or expectations of you.

You Structure & Measure Your Personal Development

You’ll be able to unify all your personal growth learnings, strategies and tools into one system that adds structure to your growth and self-evolution. With one unified action plan for all 12 areas of your life you’ll know exactly what to focus on next without the overwhelm. You’ll use Lifebook Assessment to measure your progress and stay motivated to reach your goals.

You Navigate Life’s Difficult Transitions With Ease

You’ll find clear direction and even reinvent yourself in the face of challenging circumstances and life transitions like divorce, breakup, career change, health issues, spiritual crises, mid-life crisis, children leaving home, personal loss etc. You’ll also build unshakable inner power and resilience and overcome life’s unexpected challenges or roadblocks with ease.

What’s Included In Your Lifebook Premium Experience 

Your Lifebook Premium experience is hosted in a beautifully designed Lifebook App available anytime and anywhere on your desktop, mobile or tablet.

In this all-in-one platform you’ll be able to find your Lifebook program content (videos and editable templates), ongoing coaching support from me, your Lifebook Leader, and your local & global Lifebook community that shares your journey.

Here's what you get in your package:

Your Lifebook Premium experience is hosted in a beautifully designed Lifebook App available anytime and anywhere on your desktop, mobile or tablet.

In this all-in-one platform you’ll be able to find your Lifebook program content (videos and editable templates), ongoing coaching support from us, your Lifebook Leaders, and your local & global Lifebook community that shares your journey.

Here's what you get in your package:

Lifebook 12 Category Training Videos

You’ll get access to beautifully filmed, high-end training videos (that are an absolute joy to watch) featuring the founder of Lifebook - Jon Butcher - guiding you through every step of the Lifebook process. 

Each video focuses on one of the Lifebook categories and walks you through a powerful 4-step process of creating a compelling vision for that category. 

Apart from Jon’s wisdom you’ll also get Community Wisdom sections in each training video - featuring paradigm-shifting breakthroughs and insights from a handpicked selection of Lifebook’s most successful students.

Lifebook 12 Category Templates

Breathe life into your personalized Lifebook with gorgeous, easy-to-use design templates for each of the 12 categories of life. 

You’ll gain crystal-clarity on each dimension of your life by defining what you believe, what you want, why you want it, and how you’re going to achieve it. By capturing all your thoughts on these beautiful templates you’ll create your very own Lifebook. 

You can also print your Lifebook, bind it, and display it on your bookshelf as a beautiful reminder of your path to extraordinary living.

Personalised Coaching With Your Leader  

Personalised Coaching With Lifebook Leaders

In this Lifebook Premium experience, you’ll have the support and guidance of me, your Lifebook Leader, every step of the way. 

Each week we'll get on an exclusive, intimate LIVE coaching call to discuss your progress, answer your questions and create custom strategies to help you achieve your goals in each of the 12 Lifebook categories.

This is a priceless opportunity to work with a Certified Lifebook Leader on a heart-to-heart level. Many students consider it the highlight of their Lifebook experience that keeps them focused and motivated to stay on track.

In this Lifebook Premium experience, you’ll have the support and guidance from us - your Lifebook Leaders - every step of the way. 

Each week we'll get on an exclusive, intimate LIVE coaching call to discuss your progress, answer your questions and create custom strategies to help you achieve your goals in each of the 12 Lifebook categories.

This is a priceless opportunity to work with Certified Lifebook Leaders on a heart-to-heart level. Many students consider it the highlight of their Lifebook experience that keeps them focused and motivated to stay on track.

Exclusive Lifebook Community & Events

You’ll also begin your Lifebook journey with your local community, so you can support and uplift each other every step of the way.

You’ll be able to create your custom profile and add your location to easily connect with Lifebookers near you or around the world. You can also host or attend online events and real-life Lifebook meet-ups.

You are joining a global community of people on your exact same journey towards extraordinary living. So make friends, get help, and co-create with your Tribe in your private group. 

Plus A Special Bonus Only For June 2021 Lifebook Premium Students

Live Q&A Calls With Lifebook Founders - Jon & Missy Butcher

Get 6x LIVE group Q&A calls with Lifebook founders - Jon and Missy Butcher, as they answer your most burning questions about the 12 Lifebook categories.

This is an exclusive bonus only for the June 2021 intake of Lifebook Premium students and a unique chance to interact with Jon & Missy during these intimate live calls.

Jon and Missy have committed their lives to embody the Lifebook philosophy - and even just a few minutes of their shared knowledge could give you a major life-changing breakthroughs.

Meet  Lifebook Founders - Jon & Missy Butcher

Lifebook began with two people who refused to live an ordinary life. Jon and Missy Butcher are the inventors of Lifebook, but they’re not personal growth teachers. They are lovers, artists, entrepreneurs and adventurers who have designed a life most people might call impossible. 

Jon & Missy founded 19 impact-driven companies and philanthropic organizations together. They are financially free. They enjoy a whirlwind romance, even after decades of marriage. They live in multiple countries a year, including the dream home they are building on a remote Hawaiian island. And they’re grandparents in their fifties - who look and feel a decade or two younger.

Every single aspect of Jon and Missy’s life appears to defy society’s expectations: not because they’re smarter, more gifted, or luckier than anyone else - but because they designed it that way with the Lifebook system.

Today, Jon and Missy’s mission is to spread Lifebook to at least one million people worldwide. And to keep reaching for the highest possible quality of life, while empowering others to do the same.

Meet Your Lifebook

Leaders -

Leader -

Dani Glaeser

Sum up who I am and what I do in a few sentences? I'll do my best! Currently, I am a Lifebook Ambassador, a Certified Lifebook Leader, a retreat facilitator, budding entrepreneur and business owner. I guide people to connect within and look deeply at their lives to create a vision and strategies without having to go it alone.

In 2017, my world shattered. My beloved husband fell, and we discovered all of his nerves had died from the knees down. I was terrified. Everything felt chaotic. I needed something to ground me, a sense of order, as the world around me spiraled.

Meditation helped, but I needed more.

We found Lifebook after he started getting treatment. It enabled us to feel empowered, to recognize we had a framework that allowed us to thrive through crisis.

In 2018, he took a turn for the worse. The neuropathy had spread to his hands, moving to the core of his body. He was diagnosed with POEMS Syndrome. We didn't know if he'd live or die.

I became full time caregiver managing the home front in two states while home-schooling my two kiddos, and financially keeping our heads above water. This time though, we had Lifebooks, and it made all the difference.

We sought out the gifts, practiced gratitude and created a way to flourish and grow as we lived through the experience.

We had a life-line that empowered us, encouraged us to take control of what we could amidst diagnoses, doctors, and tests.

We had a new mindset and powerful tools to handle whatever came our way. (Our shift in mindset was critical to his healing - his doctors visibly saw how our mindset positively impacted his recovery.)

Creating our Lifebook throughout his illness has taken us on a journey of immense growth and healing. My husband and I have a sense of control over our life in that no matter what happens, we know we can adapt and develop strategies to deal with it. 

Today, my beloved is recovering, his nerves are regrowing, he is walking, and we are building a business together helping others to elevate and let their inner light shine. I now get to do what I love, and embrace the unknown, instead of fearing it. Care to join me?

Lifebook Works. Here's Proof

Whether you're looking for clarity on your life vision, a proven system to achieve your goals, or even if you want to reinvent or rediscover yourself - Lifebook gives you the tools, clarity, and inspiration you need to get where you want to be. Just like it has for over 60,000 of the Lifebook grads worldwide.

"I've studied many personal growth programs and Lifebook is easily the most profound. I recommend it to anyone in search of extraordinary life."

Mark Hyman
~ NYT Best-Selling Author

"I feel like I finally own my life, have control and excitement to go for my biggest dreams. I started to be truly joyful and feel like myself more."

~Project Manager

"Thanks to Lifebook I have a clear direction on all 12 categories in my life and motivation to take action and get closer to my goals step by step"

Gert Lemmens
~ Healthcare Professional

"Thanks to Lifebook I now have a clear and detailed vision of how I want my life to be! This wonderful program should be taught in schools to everyone"

Andrea Quarin
~ Life and Business Coach

"Before this program, I was feeling a bit lost. I knew what my dream life could look like but now I have a clear and precise vision and plan to follow."

Raissa Sérapie
~ Non-Profit Founder and CEO

"You have only one life, you are the driver of your life, you decide where to go and the speed you go, but you need a map. Lifebook is giving you that map"

Jose Nadela
~Finance Manager

"Lifebook came along just when I was emerging from rock bottom and it has given me the life line I needed. It has given me new wings and the wind is picking up"

Zoe Anderson
~ Owner/The Intrepid Artist

"We consider this the best program for couples that are looking for a great family life. We started teaching our kids about 12 category smart life."

Dragos & Liliana
~ Business Owner

"Lifebook introduced me to a different level of understanding myself with particular categories, I just really needed that push. I recommend it to everyone."

Alaaddin Elshazli
~ Student

"It was was life-changing. My life is at a turning point right now and thanks to Lifebook I've gained a lot of courage to take charge of my life and be true to who I am."

Madhura Dalvi
~ Sr. Brand Strategist

"I've had my focus, curiosity and enthusiasm rekindled to go into areas I previously would not even have considered as an option, at my time of life (57)!"

Sara Leigh Rolfe
~ Gardener/Self employed

"Lifebook is the most life-changing program I've taken so far. It made me go deep within my soul and visualize the best version I can possibly be: for me and for the world."

Ivan Garcia
~ Civil Engineer

Lifebook Is For You If You…

Crave to discover who you really are, what your unique purpose is, and what you really want in every area of life - without settling for someone else’s version of success
Feel a sense of unfulfilled potential in your life, as if you’re settling when you could be doing or achieving something more
Have reached some level of success in certain areas of life, but feel you’ve sacrificed too much in other areas to get there (e.g. giving up family time for your career)
Are seeking clarity as you move through a major transition point in life (e.g. divorce, career change, a personal loss, a mid-life crisis, etc.)
Want to level up your life with proven lifestyle design strategies that can rapidly transform your productivity, mindset, and effectiveness.
Are done with just letting life happen to you, and want to take your destiny in your hands, and make life happen for you instead!

Start Your Premium Lifebook Experience Now

Here's Everything You Get:
Lifebook 12 Category Training Videos: guiding you through every step of the Lifebook process
Lifebook 12 Category Templates: beautifully designed editable templates in .doc .pages .pdf format
Lifebook App (Apple or Android) to learn on the go + desktop and tablet version
Lifetime Access to the Entire Program 
Weekly group sessions during the course to check in with your progress, answer any questions you may have, facilitate the group supporting each other during their journey, and help you discover your personal style in the process of creating your Lifebook.
Specialized Visualizations (to help you focus and integrate your journey).
One 1-on-1 session to discuss your Lifebook process, and any challenges along the way up to one month after the training videos have ended.
Private group to communicate, give and provide support with others in their process of creating their Lifebook, and an outline for creating your own accountability group.

Enroll Now

Create Your Very Own Lifebook
1350 USD
1099 USD
Get Access To Lifebook Program On The Lifebook App (Apple, Android, Desktop)

Frequently Asked Questions

How exactly does Lifebook work?

Lifebook is a lifestyle design process, where you’re guided to create your vision of success in each of the 12 dimensions of your life. During this powerful process of self-reflection you’ll deeply examine your beliefs, motivations, aspirations and create actionable strategies to achieve your goals. Here’s exactly how it works:

1. You watch the category video that takes you on an eye-opening journey of self-discovery.

2. You fill up your category template by defining what you believe, what you want, why you want it, and how you’re going to create it. You then beautify it with your personal images, quotes and other inspirational elements.

3. You have powerful, stimulating discussion with your Lifebook Leader to review what you wrote and to remove any roadblocks you might have.

4. You repeat the process for each of the 12 categories and as a result you create your very own Lifebook - the most important book you’ll ever own.

What’s included in the program?

You get everything you need to shape your personal vision for the 12 key areas of your life, create your own personalized Lifebook and stay motivated every step of the way.

This includes access to beautifully designed Lifebook App (available on desktop and mobile) that contains: Lifebook 12 category video training, Lifebook 12 category editable templates (you can use it on any computer), coaching support from your Lifebook Leader or Leaders in a private group (forget Facebook) + access to our thriving global Lifebook community.

Who is this program for?

If you’re tired of feeling like you’re bouncing from one thing to another without any direction, you don’t know how to balance the various parts of your life, and you can’t succeed in one area without neglecting another, you know what you want and where you want to be, but you don’t know what you have to do every single day to get there, this program will help you create a clear vision and action steps for 12 areas of your life.

How is Lifebook different from other goal-setting programs?

There are 3 elements that set Lifebook above and beyond other goal-setting programs:

1. Holistic Approach – Lifebook helps you create a vision for all 12 dimensions of your life – not just your health, career, or finances, but everything in between that’s equally important.

2. Personalized System – Lifebook is an empty system that helps you get in touch with what YOU really want in life. All answers come from you, not at you. As a customizable blueprint for your ideal life, it’s grounded in what your idea of success and fulfillment looks like – nobody else’s.

3. Measurable Results – With our signature Lifebook Assessment tool, Lifebook actually measures your transformation after a specific time period, and for all 12 key dimensions of life.

Why choose me as your Lifebook Leader?

I have been living the Lifebook Lifestyle since 2017. Aside from being a certified Lifebook leader, and an ambassador in the Lifebook Communities since 2019, in 2022, I completed Tony Robbin's Leadership Academy and Leadership Date With Destiny, with plans to complete the full leadership program and apply to be a Senior Leader. (This means my tool box has expanded even more so!)  I have a lot of experience to offer, and I've worked with a lot of Lifebookers, so I have an awareness of patterns and insights. Lifebook transformed my life, and I want to help you transform yours too, and feel empowered at the end of this program. My husband and I did Lifebook during one of the most challenging transition times of our life, it not only got us through, but brought us closer together, and let us create a Life Vision to work towards.

What can Lifebook give me?

Lifebook gives you a framework to look at your life from 12 categories and helps you create a clear picture of where you stand in each of them, where you want to go, and then create the steps to get there. You get out of your Lifebook what you are willing to put in. You are the creator of your plan on how you are going to move forward with your life. By becoming aware of your life, and what you want, you gain confidence in achieving your Life Vision.

Can I do this with my spouse or partner?

Yes you can! It's two for the price of one. You'll only get access to the one account, so you can do it together.

Can I work with you one-on-one instead of in a group?

The price for this package is the group rate. You can contact me directly in regards to working together one-on-one and creating a customized package just for you.

Have Additional Questions?

Talk to your Lifebook Leader to get the answers you need to make the best choice for you.

Talk to your Lifebook Leaders to get the answers you need to make the best choice for you.


Enroll Now

Create Your Very Own Lifebook
1350 USD
1099 USD
Get Access To Lifebook Program On The Lifebook App (Apple, Android, Desktop)

“Do not let your fire go out. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserve and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won.
It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is YOURS.”

- Ayn Rand

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